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别名: 办公室第四季


Season 4, Episode 1: Fun Run Original Air Date—27 September 2007 Michael accidentally runs over Meridith in the parking lot, and his guilt causes him to organize a 5-K run for her. Dwight and Angela have a falling-out after he kills her cat, and the Jim and Pam's relationship is discovered. Season 4, Episode 2: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Original Air Date—4 October 2007 Michael feels threatened when Ryan returns to the Scranton office to share his ideas about the future of Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam's relationship is shared with the entire office, while Angela and Dwight's relationship is on the rocks. Season 4, Episode 3: Launch Party Original Air Date—11 October 2007 The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch party in New York while Angela plans a satellite party for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight competes against the website to see who can sell the most paper in one day. Season 4, Episode 4: Money Original Air Date—18 October 2007 As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes pressuring his employees for a loan. Pam and Jim spend a night out on Dwight's family farm, now a bed and breakfast. Season 4, Episode 5: Local Ad Original Air Date—25 October 2007 Michael tries to make a local Dunder Mifflin commercial that is better than the one the professional ad agency made for them. Meanwhile, Andy tries to confide in Dwight about his new relationship with Angela. Season 4, Episode 6: Branch Wars Original Air Date—1 November 2007 Michael and Dwight try to play a prank on Karen, who is now manager of the Utica branch, after she tries to steal Stanley from the Scranton office. Meanwhile, Pam, Toby, and Oscar start their own exclusive office book club. Season 4, Episode 7: Survivor Man Original Air Date—8 November 2007 After Michael isn't invited to a camping trip with Ryan, he sets out to prove that he can brave it out in the wilderness by himself. Jim, who is in charge of the office while Michael is gone, tries to change the birthday party policy. Season 4, Episode 8: The Deposition Original Air Date—15 November 2007 Michael is put in an awkward position when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and he is deposed as a witness. Meanwhile, Kelly begins smack talking Pam after Darryl beats Jim at ping pong. Season 4, Episode 9: Dinner Party Original Air Date—10 April 2008 Michael invites Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela to a couples-only dinner party, which makes Dwight very jealous. However, the only thing he's missing is a ringside seat to witness Michael and Jan's extremely dysfunctional home life. Season 4, Episode 10: Chair Model Original Air Date—17 April 2008 Kevin and Andy team up to reclaim the stolen Dunder-Mifflin parking spaces, which forces them into a showdown with the other five bosses of the office park. Meanwhile, Michael becomes fascinated by a women modeling chairs in a catalog. Season 4, Episode 11: Night Out Original Air Date—24 April 2008 Michael and Dwight to to New York to party with Ryan, who is having lots of personal and professional problems. The rest of the office employees work late, and wind up getting locked in the business park. Season 4, Episode 12: Did I Stutter? Original Air Date—1 May 2008 Michael tries to figure out how to respond to Stanley's insubordination during a meeting, and Dwight buys Andy's vehicle and immediately flips it for more money. Season 4, Episode 13: Job Fair Original Air Date—8 May 2008 Dunder-Mifflin participates in a high school job fair, but few students are interested. Jim, Andy, and Kevin play a round of golf with a prospective client. Back at the office, everyone but Dwight and Angela leave for the day. Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye, Toby Original Air Date—15 May 2008 Michael throws an extravagant going-away party for Toby, and falls in love with the woman who is replacing him. Jim plans to propose to Pam at the party, but gets out-staged. Back at corporate, Ryan is arrested for fraud.  展开全部



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  • 1995 7.0


    江湖艺人变脸王(朱旭 饰)孑然一身,以船为家,因恪守传男不传女、传内不传外之祖规,一手绝活面临失传。在活观音梁素兰(赵志刚 饰)惜才提点下,变脸王终生传承衣钵之愿。他用五枚大洋买下机灵的狗娃(周任莹 饰)。初时祖孙相处融洽,一场出街意外却令狗娃女儿身暴露。恼怒的变脸王意欲赶走狗娃,拗不过其苦苦相求,遂改自称“老板”,两人依旧搭伙卖艺。朝夕相处间,变脸王虽欣慰于狗娃孝顺懂事,碍于其女娃身份并不传授变脸绝活。按捺不住好奇的狗娃夜半偷看脸谱,失手引发船火,两人栖身之所烧毁殆尽。狗娃自感无颜,悄然离去,但心中始终感念变脸王的恩情。却不知,这份恩情有一日需要她以命相报,变脸绝活也终因此得以流传…… 本片曾获第16届金鸡奖最佳导演奖,第9届东京国际电影节最佳导演奖、最佳男演员奖等多项国内外奖项。

  • 2010 8.0


    一个田园郊区的宁静突然间被打破.在整齐修整过的草坪和篱笆后面,女孩Sarah被一股冷风慢慢吹开了的门吓了一跳. 穿过走廊她父母卧室的门半开着.她唤着她父母,可是没有回答. 她走进他们的卧室,视线落在了床上.她发现她的父母被绑了起来并被塞住了嘴.在她大脑能运作之前她被残暴地抓住了头发并且猛地一下推到墙上. "按我说的做,不然要你死",Scarlip告诉她.

  • 2017 10.0


    维克拉姆(西达尔特·马尔霍特拉 Siddharth Malhotra 饰)的妻子凯瑟琳(Kimberley Louisa McBeath 饰)和玛雅(索娜什·辛哈 Sonakshi Sinha 饰)的丈夫谢加(Samir Sharma 饰)在同一天深夜死去,维克拉姆和玛雅自然成为了这两宗凶杀案的主要嫌疑人。实际上,维克拉姆和玛雅都坚定的认为,对方才是杀死自己爱人的真正凶手。

  • 2022 2.0

    21-22赛季NBA常规赛 魔术VS鹈鹕

    21-22赛季NBA常规赛 魔术VS鹈鹕

  • 2018 7.0


    突发的水灾迫使贝贝(Mook 饰演)不得不回到她外府的老家与奶奶暂时生活,但如今的贝贝已不再是小时候别人眼里的问题小孩,取而代之的一位亭亭玉立的网络超人气美少女。所以再次回到这个地方她不得不尽量避免与之前的中学同学们碰面,但命运往往会捉弄人,不巧的是她遇到了前男友中学时代的小混混明特(Krist饰演)。而如今的Mint 已完全褪去了当年的锋芒,成为了一位十足的高富帅。这一次贝贝 的奶奶希望二人可以重归于好,但贝贝内心是拒绝的,因为她现在已有男友,而且她认为明特肯定还在为当年她的不辞而别生气但这一次的相遇,明特不仅没有生气还更加贴心照料她,特别是在一次水灾救援的公益活动中,两人的相互照顾和靠近使得二人好感重归,明特决定打算和贝贝 表白,贝贝非常高兴也很紧张,因为她已经变了她的生活已经变了。得知此事,一直暗恋名特的邻家女孩伤心欲绝劝说贝贝成全的同时还动了...

  • 2004 1.0


    区浩文(马浚伟)的养父母对他孤儿的身分从来没有隐瞒。若不是他的好友周仁(欧锦棠)发现有两名死者的出生年月日与区浩文相同,且样貌与他极相似,他也不会发现,自己原来是当年被遗弃的三胞胎之一。更甚者,其兄弟生前的女友竟然同为一人!   谜般的秘密接踵而来,区浩文开始追查起自己的身世。最顺理成章的,似乎是从他兄弟的女友宋天心(杨思琦)下手,怎料叫他摸不着头脑的事竟越来越多。   区浩文欲联络心,她的舅父马教授(于洋)却百般阻挠。区浩文其后不断收到恐吓,更多次遇袭;他誓不低头,就在他快要理出头绪时,更大的危险却冲着他而来!

  • 1990 3.0


    影片描写了二次大战中的1943年,10名飞行员驾驶B—17轰炸机飞越德军上空轰炸既定目标的壮烈场面。这群朝气勃勃的小伙子,刚刚完成了他们的第24次飞行任务,再飞一次可以返家了,久违的家在等他的,战争结束之后该做什么,在每个人的心中都有一番憧憬。然而,残酷的事实摆在他们面 前,无法向人表露的紧张和恐惧,只有默默地祈求冥冥中的神灵保佑。为此,他们视好运胜过一切,一块护身挂牌,甚至是一条幸运皮筋,都可以使他们的心灵得以寄托。  在紧张、无奈的等待之后,终于等来了出发的命令,满载弹药的飞行方阵穿过云层,向目标靠近。主机孟菲斯美女号是戴尼斯为了纪念他在孟菲斯相识的女友而命名。在天气恶劣、云层密布,目标无法确认的情况下,戴尼斯为了保护无辜的生命和医院、学校等公共设施,冒死重新飞回,确认了目标。重创之下的飞机终于载着这群伤痕累累却胜利完成使命的英雄的归来。

  • 2024 10.0

    The Zone: 坚持才能活下去3


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